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[News] - What can you tell me about Bluesniper? Is it really dangerous?
Hello folks!
I’ve heard about that Bluesniper rifle and I wonder if it is as dangerous as they wrote. They say it cracks any Bluetooth compatible devices, is it truth?
Hi there, Tomas!

Bluesniper rifle is a semi directional antenna with Bluetooth transceiver. That block is attached to an optical scope and run by a tablet or notebook, it may be run even with a smartphone.

That rifle is designed for Bluesnarfing, or someone may call it Bluejacking. The main feature of that device is in that that it enhances the working radius of a Bluetooth transceiver from 10-15 meters (30-50 feet) up to 1.5 kilometres (almost 1 mile). It simply “shoots” waves in a proper direction. So it makes hacking a Bluetooth compatible device easier and more convenient.

The worst thing about that is that that you will not even know if your cell phone, tablet or a laptop is hacked. But hackers will have the possibility to steal lots of personal info from those devices including contact lists, messages, emails, files. They also will be able to control the device, to call random numbers, crack other devices so it will look like you’ve did it and many other bad things.

You know, Bluetooth uses the same 2.4 GHz frequency as lots of other Wi-Fi compatible devices, so if you need anti Bluesniper shield Jammer Store can provide you one. The easiest solution will be to simply jam the Bluetooth frequency around you and expel all the Bluejacking risks. It can be done with our Bluesniper signal jamming device.

Thanks for your question and stay safe!
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