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[News] - I need more info on GSM car alarms!
Hello! I was looking through your personal security blog and a post about GSM car alarms caught my mind. I'd like to know how exactly a cell phone signal blocker will work against that kind of alarm? I thought that using it as a security measure is rather pointless, won't that trigger the alarm?
Hello, Jimmy! You are absolutely right, we have written about the vulnerabilities of those GSM car alarms and we will try to provide you all the information we have on that now. First of all you should know that those GSM alarms work as a simple cell phone, they receive and transmit data in GSM network. So your cell phone or a smartphone will be able to work as a remote control for your car. Also, you will receive notifications, in case of the alarm is triggered.

But as long as modern smartphones have lots of vulnerabilities and the GSM communications protocol has them too – the reliability of such a security measure is rather doubtful. In the post we've mentioned above you can find information on the, nature of the discovered bug and how it works, while we will get back to your question. First of all you should know that mobile phone signal blocker won't trigger GSM car alarm, it will simply block it.

We've recommended to use GSM/GPS signal blockers against that vulnerability and we can assure you that jamming device will do the trick. If you'll use it, car alarm won't be able to receive or transmit data, so hackers won't be able to control your car remotely. GPS blocker will come in handy in case if your car alarm will be hacked, in that case evildoers won't find out where do you live. We also have to add that that houses of the people, whose cars are hijacked are often robbed too, because evildoers use GPS data and know exactly where does their victim live and when he is not at home.
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