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[News] - How can I block Brichom CCTV monitoring?
Hi folks! My neighbors are rich people and I don't mind that. But recently they placed CCTV cameras from Brichom company and those cameras look into my yard too. How can I block them?

Hi Tim!
Brichom is a Philippines-based international security and surveillance company. They provide quality CCTV monitoring of business facilities, private houses and any other locations on the demand of their clients. They also have international office in Canada to be able to work with both local and international clients, and in addition to establish international partnerships and improve their services as well.
Though if you are worried about your neighbor's CCTV cameras, you need to know that they watch your yard for sure. Try talking to your neighbors, maybe they will change the angle of their CCTV cameras and they will not look into your yard. Still if they refuse to do that and you make sure those CCTVs are looking at your house then you can place Brichom CCTV cameras jammer inside your house or somewhere in the yard (depending on the distance to those cameras) and prevent them watching you while you are at home.
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