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[News] - Can I prevent my headset from spying on me in the future?
Hi folks! In the future I want to get a headset for myself and use it as my hands-free communication device but there is one problem. I've read that Sony wants to make it capable of determining my location and even more, so other headset manufacturers will probably do the same thing in order to compete with Sony. Is there a way to prevent this in the future?

Hi Byron!
You are absolutely right about it! Sony has a patent describing an absolutely new kind of communication device. It will consist of the wireless communication device you have used to (like cell phone or smartphone) and the headset you are eager for. Both devices will communicate with each other in order to grant you the completely new feature from Sony.
The feature I am talking about is that your headset will determine the direction you are looking in. Using the GPS data acquired from your smartphone together with the direction data received from your headset this wireless combination will predict the location you are heading to. So I can understand why you are willing to prevent this in the future.
I guess that it is absolutely pointless to advise you to forget about purchasing wireless headset, so I will say you next thing. In order to have a headset without being tracked you need to block headset-based navigation pointer and prevent it from predicting your direction and location you are planning to visit.
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